The magazine Science, People & Politics ISSN 1751-598x (online)
is owned by Science, People and Politics Ltd. Co.No. 05901911.
The publishing rights are now - and have been consistently since creation of the title - owned outright externally to the company exclusively
by Helen Gavaghan, trading as Gavaghan Communications, an unincorporated sole tradership.
The rights apply to all formats.
Shareholders in Science, People and Politics Ltd.
Helen Gavaghan (80%)
Fred Pearce (10%)
Martin Redfern (10%).
Confirmation Statement and other filings are consistently up to date.
This website is on a shared server.
The websites on which the URLs of Science, People & Politics are found are owned by Helen Gavaghan and are managed
and paid for by me, independently of the magazine's owning company. The URLS
are now amalgamated onto one website, and their code updated and polished when time allows. I began making my websites in 2005 before I knew css existed,
and after learning basic html only. I now code with knowledge of HTML 5 and other versions, with CSS, and with useful insight into
their interaction with xml, PHP, SQL, JavaScript, interactions with different servers, with awareness of htaccess and with the responsibility
implications of htaccess, with awareness of basic SEO principles and with responsibility
for our metadata and maintaining our metatags.
html/css for this website Helen Gavaghan©
Helen Gavaghan. 20.08.2024.